Shipments and returns

Shipment of your order

Parcels are typically shipped within one day after payment is received and shipped via DPD, tracked and shipped without signature. If you prefer delivery of DPD Extra with the signature required, an additional fee may be charged, so please contact us before choosing this method. Whichever shipment you choose, we will provide you with a link to track your shipment online.

Shipping fees include handling and packaging fees as well as shipping charges. Handling fees are fixed while shipping charges vary according to the total weight of the shipment. We recommend grouping the items in one order. We cannot group two separate orders placed separately, and shipping charges will apply to each one. Your package will be dispatched at your own risk, but we always pay close attention to securing and protecting fragile products.

The boxes are large and your items are well protected.


We accept returns in the event of a defective product, defect caused during the production or packaging process.

If we find defective goods, the shipping cost for the return shall be borne by LaLeLi.

Delivery of the order - payments. 

Delivery by courier with prepayment to the account of PLN 25. (payment on delivery up to 30 kg) or (optional PAYPAL if enabled)

Delivery by courier cash on delivery, depending on the size of the package, costs from PLN 15 NET to PLN 25 NET (up to 30 kg payment on delivery)

Delivery within 1-4 business days. If the order is placed by 12:00 a business day, we ship the same day.

Deliveries within the European Union are carried out through courier companies selected by us (usually DPD)


Payment for the order placed on delivery or (optional PAYU, PAYPAL if enabled)

or to a bank account


ul. Skórzewska 35

62-081 Wysogotowo

NIP - 7772285503

REGON - 631209757

+48 578 280 207

For foreign transfers, please use the number below. accounts:

Santander Bank IBAN: PL44 1090 1346 0000 0001 0919 2700


Euro PL48 1090 1463 0000 0001 3339 9872


Payment for the order placed on delivery is made in full or in part upon delivery to the courier.

Companies that do not pay and pick up the order are excluded from our customer lists and will be blocked in all sales and social channels as dishonest companies.